Our Vision

Our Vision

Botanical medicine and Naticura’s vision

Nature has given man a rich array of  natural botanical ingredients to work with. Herbal tinctures, essential oils, extracts and butters…all highly effective and proven effective in use.  Botanical medicine  (or herbalism) is the traditional science of using plants to cure human ailments, and it dates back to the dawn of human history.  In natural health treatment, botanicals are used to stimulate the body’s own healing, eliminate waste, and regenerate organs.  Remedies utilizing plant and plant extracts  have been tried, tested and in use for many thousands of years.  These botanical ingredients are often much more effective than their chemical cousins.  Their use may have fallen out of favour in Western society for reasons of cost, convenience or modernism, yet some 80% of the world still relies on herbal medicine for aspects of their primary care, and herbs are a commonality amongst all traditional medical systems: Ayurvedic, homeopathic, naturopathic, Native American and traditional Chinese medicine.

The Greek physician Hippocrates, considered the ‘father of modern medicine’, wrote his own compendium of herbs and remedies.  His ‘gentle approach’ advocated the use of selected herbs, along with a proper diet, cleanliness, rest and fresh air.  A discipline perhaps even more apropos today, than it was 2500 years ago.

Naticura’s vision is to be able to offer pure, safe, effective natural remedies.  Our products are safe to have in your house, safe to handle, safe to use on your body and safe for the environment.  We refuse to consider using any ingredients that you might be afraid to leave within reach of your children…so we will not use any substances like steroids, parabens, zinc oxide (used in plastics and paints),benzocaine, aluminum hydroxide,  petroleum derivatives or even alcohol.  We also choose not to use lanolin, fish oils, insect, animal or dairy derivatives.  No fillers, no dyes, no flavourings, just pure simple botanical ingredients.

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